
-          Assessment vs. Evaluation
        - Assessment is checking to see how one is doing on the way to learning (part of the process)
       - Evaluation is the final product
      Assessment is ongoing and meant to observe the learning process
     Philosophy: The purpose is schooling is to train the brain to logically and critically think to help students understand the world they live in, in many different ways. The teacher's role is to facilitate learning and to provide educational and emotional support in the improvement of learning. Students progress at different speeds in different ways. Assessment is meant to observe the learning process and to track students' progress. This is important so that you as a teacher are aware of the gaps or weaknesses in students' learning. This awareness is step one to teachers' responsibility in helping students get where they need to be.
     Assessment is based on how students learn based on observing improvement and seeing what gaps need to be filled so that students are able to successfully move to their next step.
Who can I help with my assessments?

What are ways in which I can differentiate assessment based on everybody's individual learning style?

When should I be assessing students?

Where can we find the best resources for Assessment?

How can I keep updated in the changing environment of education in regards to assessment?

- Developed an understanding of assessment literacy, and the interconnections between assessment research, policy and practice.
- Learned how to use the Brock Planning Template to display a working knowledge of the theory of backwards design, and the Ontario Ministry of Education assessment policies and practices.
- Learned how to use the the Learning skills and work habits in regards to assessment.
- Learned the uses of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment in the classroom.
- How to fit assessment into instructional planning.
- How to make success criteria accessible to students and parents.
- Learned how to determine a grade, what to include and what not to include. How much a grade changes when you pick what to include and what not to.
- Learned how to continuously update my knowledge of assessment in order to ensure my assessment is up to date with the curriculum and the pedagogical learning.  

Think about how you will use your Assessment page of your Digital Portfolio during your first teaching block.
I will use my Assessment page of my digital portfolio in order to have a group of resources on hand to me whenever I need it. I can see myself using the Fundamental Principles, Learning Skills & Work Habits, Performance Standards: The Achievement Chart, Assessment FOR Learning & AS Learning, Evaluation, Reporting Student Achievement, Students With Special Education Needs, and English Language Learners sections of the AER chart in my first teaching block placement. The fundamental principles are a general overview of the expectations of assessment, which is great to have a general knowledge for so that striving for achieving them will eventually become second nature. The learning skills and work habits section of the AER chart will provide me with resources and tools to ensure my students’ responsibility because there is always room for improvement in this area for my students. The achievement chart portion of my AER chart will be useful for when I am backwards planning and I want to make sure my lesson will most if not all of the achievement chart categories. Assessment FOR and AS learning is a VERY important part of the achievement chart. This will inform my practice to make sure I will keep up to date with my students’ progress, so I know how best to aid in their academic improvement. The evaluation and Reporting student achievement portion of my AER chart will be useful for when it comes time to help my associate teach evaluate the unit I taught. The students with special need section of my AER chart is very much needed in my teaching block because I have a number of students on IEPs and it is very important that I know how to create work that they are capable of doing with their specific abilities. It is also important that I know how to assess them. For example: One student uses a speech to text program because he is reading and writing at a grade 2 level. Therefore, I would never assess his grammar and spelling the way I would assess the rest of the class. The English Language Learners part of the AER chart is also very informative for how to assess those students who will not be as strong in English as the rest of the class, just because of their situation. As a teacher, I must be understanding of that and the resources I have in my chart will give me a lot of strategies for planning and assessing for ELLs to ensure their success.  
I will also use my Assessment page as a working document. Every time I learn something new about any of the sections, or am introduced to any new and valuable resource for any of the sections, I will continue to add to it. There is always room for professional learning and growth so that I do the best for my students. I will also continuously update my KWL chart as I learn to things about assessment that inform my philosophy. I intend to make a new KWL chart and label it for each school year. At the beginning of the year I will write what I already know, then I will fill out what I want to know and strategies for how I will get there such as professional development courses or research. At the end of that school year, I will then write down everything I have learned so that I can compare it to what I knew at the beginning of the year, and also to previous years before. It is my responsibility to continuously update my knowledge of assessment, and this ensures that I do that each year.

Choose one professional learning goal from the Chart that you will explore in block 1. Develop "I can" statements to identify how you will know you've reached your goal.
 Assessment FOR Learning & AS Learning:
I can know my students drives and interests to use in planning lessons.
I can foster and child-lead learning environment.
I can foster an inquiry based environment.
I can ensure students are always self-reflecting so they are fully aware of themselves as learners and of their trajectory.
I can make sure I have a pre-test at the beginning of every unit so that I am full aware of where my students are, where they need to go, and how to get there.
I can use the self-reflective practices for myself to ensure I am aware of improvements I need to make.
I can know my students preferred ways to learn, or individual learning styles so that I can teach to reflect those.

I can keep my students’ best interested at heart ALWAYS, because then it will be natural for me to inspire them to be the best that they can be!

AER Strategy Form
My Professional Learning Goals
1 goal for each policy
Strategies For Meeting My Goals
1 strategy for each goal
Annotated Resources
2 sources for each policy
POLICY Fundamental Principles
To communicate clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course
and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course about student achievement and expectations
Set up some sort of communication platform for students and parents to ensure open and ongoing communication.
Parent/Teacher Communication: Strategies for Success

Himama App for successful communication of growth and achievement
POLICY Learning Skills & Work Habits
To successfully teach students to learn their Learning Skills & Habits to become responsible people.
Research ways to teach Learning Skills & Work Habits successfully. Especially because I have been noticing a lack of responsibility of students in my placement.

Teaching Study Skills to Empower Your Students
POLICY Performance Standards: The Achievement Chart
I will be able to implement each other categories of the Achievement chart into as many lessons as possible so that students are prepared for when I assess according to it.
I will understand the meanings of each category fully so that I am more comfortable implementing them in the classroom
Growing Success Document

Checklists and Achievement Charts
POLICY Assessment FOR Learning & AS Learning
I will be able to find the best resources to gather information from students and for them to fill out for their personal reflections of work.
I will ask probing questions to ask for critical self-reflection
I will research resources to help me get to know my students
Assessment for Learning: Gathering the Evidence

Exit Slips
POLICY Evaluation
I will become more familiar with the sources of evidence for evaluation to be able to evaluate in a way that will improve student learning.
I will research each of the three different sources of evidence for
Evaluation: observations, conversations, and student products
Grow Success Document: "Evidence for Student Achievement for Evaluation"

PowerPoint of ways to assess by observation, conversation, and products (Examples on Slide 45)
POLICY Reporting Student Achievement
I will be able to make thoughtful and accurate comments on report cards, praising what the student achieved but discussing what the student needs to improve on so that they may take the next steps to improve.
I will research samples and ideas for specific comments I would need to make, depending on the child's achievements and needed improvements
Sample general comments for report cards that follow Ontario Guidelines

Sample general comments for report cards that follow Ontario Guidelines

Growing success progress report cards and comments using the new guidelines
POLICY Students With Special Education Needs
I will be able to asses students with special education needs accurately and in a way that challenges them to improve.
I will research how to asses students with special needs fairly and according to their IEP or my personal knowledge of their skills.
This website demonstrates different ways you can asses students who need it differentiated. Ex. Presentations, conferences and observation. Self-assessment is always an option for all students.

This website fives strategies and ways to differentiate different assessment strategies. Ex. Assignments: give extra time, allow for poor grammar etc.
POLICY English Language Learners
I will assess ELLs in a way that will ensure their growth and success as to not set them up for failure.
I will research how assessment of ELLs could possibly be different than regular students and how to differentiate.
This article discusses using informal or alternative assessments for ELLs instead of standardized tests or something similar. This is because standardized tests do not usually reflect ELLs true ability. The resource also discuss using many ongoing assessments to assess the development of the learner, not just what they know.

This article presents 5 ways you can assess ELLs without resorting to tests!
POLICY The Kindergarten Program
I can assess kindergarten student development. I will focus on the process in order to get them to where they need to be for grade 1.
Learn how I can assess for Kindergarten when some students have had previous school learning (pre-school) and some have had no educational experience, not eben from parents.
This presentation discusses how to document and track curriculum expectations during the busy, and often sporadic, play, which takes place in the new Full Day Kindergarten classrooms.

This government document outlines tools for Kindergarten assessment and how it will work in a Kindergarten classroom, even self-assessments.

<![if !supportLists]>-          <![endif]>Assessment

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